====== MMDVM_RPT_Hat ====== You need a self-compiled version of stm32flash v0.5 as all the binaries of the Linux repos do not support STM32F722 MCUs. So compile yourself: git clone https://git.code.sf.net/p/stm32flash/code stm32flash-code cd stm32flash-code/ make sudo make install Then you can compile the MMDVM firmware for this board after installing the compiler: sudo apt install gcc-arm-none-eabi git clone --recurse-submodules https://github.com/g4klx/MMDVM.git cd MMDVM vi Config.h The default Config.h for MMDVM_RPT_Hat is as follows: #if !defined(CONFIG_H) #define CONFIG_H #define EXTERNAL_OSC 12000000 #define MODE_LEDS #if defined(STM32F1) #define STM32F1_POG #else #define ARDUINO_DUE_ZUM_V10 #endif #define STM32F4_NUCLEO_MORPHO_HEADER #define MODE_PINS #define SEND_RSSI_DATA #define SERIAL_REPEATER #define USE_DCBLOCKER #endif Build the MMDVM firmware for MMDVM_RPT_Hat: make rpt_hat And flash the firmware via locally compiled stm32flash: sudo make deploy-rpt_hat This command executes the self-compiled binary of stm32flash (/usr/local/bin/stm32flash -i 20,-21,21:-20,21 /dev/ttyAMA0). After flashing the board is automatically reset.