====== Installation of SVX_Hat Board ====== First you need to enable the corresponding driver for the SVX_Hat board. Edit /boot/config.txt as follows. Add or uncomment the following lines: # Enable WM8731 codec dtparam=i2c_arm=on dtparam=i2s=on dtoverlay=i2s-mmap dtoverlay=rpi-proto Optionally you can disable the onboard sound card by commenting the following line: # Enable audio (loads snd_bcm2835) #dtparam=audio=on Save the file and reboot the Raspberry Pi to enable the SVX_Hat. After reboot open alsamixer (and select the second sound card in case you did not disable the onboard sound card). Make sure to unmute the channel named //Output Mixer HiFi//. Otherwise the card will not play any sound. In order to record sound you may also need to enable the line in input in the capture controls.